
mmaction.models.common.conv2plus1d 源代码

# Copyright (c) OpenMMLab. All rights reserved.
from typing import Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from mmcv.cnn import build_norm_layer
from mmengine.model.weight_init import constant_init, kaiming_init
from torch.nn.modules.utils import _triple

from mmaction.registry import MODELS
from mmaction.utils import ConfigType

[文档]@MODELS.register_module() class Conv2plus1d(nn.Module): """(2+1)d Conv module for R(2+1)d backbone. Args: in_channels (int): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. out_channels (int): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. kernel_size (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. stride (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. Defaults to 1. padding (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. Defaults to 0. dilation (Union[int, Tuple[int]]): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. Defaults to 1. groups (int): Same as ``nn.Conv3d``. Defaults to 1. bias (Union[bool, str]): If specified as `auto`, it will be decided by the norm_cfg. Bias will be set as True if norm_cfg is None, otherwise False. norm_cfg (Union[dict, ConfigDict]): Config for norm layers. Defaults to ``dict(type='BN3d')``. """ def __init__( self, in_channels: int, out_channels: int, kernel_size: Union[int, Tuple[int]], stride: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 1, padding: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 0, dilation: Union[int, Tuple[int]] = 1, groups: int = 1, bias: Union[bool, str] = True, norm_cfg: ConfigType = dict(type='BN3d') ) -> None: super().__init__() kernel_size = _triple(kernel_size) stride = _triple(stride) padding = _triple(padding) assert len(kernel_size) == len(stride) == len(padding) == 3 self.in_channels = in_channels self.out_channels = out_channels self.kernel_size = kernel_size self.stride = stride self.padding = padding self.dilation = dilation self.groups = groups self.bias = bias self.norm_cfg = norm_cfg self.output_padding = (0, 0, 0) self.transposed = False # The middle-plane is calculated according to: # M_i = \floor{\frac{t * d^2 N_i-1 * N_i} # {d^2 * N_i-1 + t * N_i}} # where d, t are spatial and temporal kernel, and # N_i, N_i-1 are planes # and inplanes. mid_channels = 3 * ( in_channels * out_channels * kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2]) mid_channels /= ( in_channels * kernel_size[1] * kernel_size[2] + 3 * out_channels) mid_channels = int(mid_channels) self.conv_s = nn.Conv3d( in_channels, mid_channels, kernel_size=(1, kernel_size[1], kernel_size[2]), stride=(1, stride[1], stride[2]), padding=(0, padding[1], padding[2]), bias=bias) _, self.bn_s = build_norm_layer(self.norm_cfg, mid_channels) self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True) self.conv_t = nn.Conv3d( mid_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=(kernel_size[0], 1, 1), stride=(stride[0], 1, 1), padding=(padding[0], 0, 0), bias=bias) self.init_weights()
[文档] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Defines the computation performed at every call. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The input data. Returns: torch.Tensor: The output of the module. """ x = self.conv_s(x) x = self.bn_s(x) x = self.relu(x) x = self.conv_t(x) return x
[文档] def init_weights(self) -> None: """Initiate the parameters from scratch.""" kaiming_init(self.conv_s) kaiming_init(self.conv_t) constant_init(self.bn_s, 1, bias=0)
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