
Customize Data Pipeline

In this tutorial, we will introduce some methods about how to build the data pipeline (i.e., data transformations) for your tasks.

Design of Data Pipeline

The data pipeline refers to the procedure of handling the data sample dict when indexing a sample from the dataset, and comprises a series of data transforms. Each data transform accepts a dict as input, processes it, and produces a dict as output for the subsequent data transform in the sequence.

Below is an example data pipeline for training SlowFast on Kinetics using VideoDataset. The pipeline initially employs decord to read the raw videos and randomly sample one video clip, which comprises 32 frames with a frame interval of 2. Subsequently, it applies random resized crop and random horizontal flip to all frames before formatting the data shape as NCTHW, which is (1, 3, 32, 224, 224) in this example.

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='SampleFrames', clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=1),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(224, 224), keep_ratio=False),
    dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0.5),
    dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),

A comprehensive list of all available data transforms in MMAction2 can be found in the mmaction.datasets.transforms.

Modify the Training/Testing Pipeline

The data pipeline in MMAction2 is highly adaptable, as nearly every step of the data preprocessing can be configured from the config file. However, the wide array of options may be overwhelming for some users.

Below are some general practices and guidance for building a data pipeline for action recognition tasks.


At the beginning of a data pipeline, it is customary to load videos. However, if the frames have already been extracted, you should utilize RawFrameDecode and modify the dataset type to RawframeDataset.

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='SampleFrames', clip_len=32, frame_interval=2, num_clips=1),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(-1, 256)),
    dict(type='Resize', scale=(224, 224), keep_ratio=False),
    dict(type='Flip', flip_ratio=0.5),
    dict(type='FormatShape', input_format='NCTHW'),

If you need to load data from files with distinct formats (e.g., pkl, bin, etc.) or from specific locations, you may create a new loading transform and include it at the beginning of the data pipeline. Please refer to Add New Data Transforms for more details.

Sampling Frames and Other Processing

During training and testing, we may have different strategies to sample frames from the video.

For instance, when testing SlowFast, we uniformly sample multiple clips as follows:

test_pipeline = [

In the above example, 10 video clips, each comprising 32 frames, will be uniformly sampled from each video. test_mode=True is employed to accomplish this, as opposed to random sampling during training.

Another example involves TSN/TSM models, which sample multiple segments from the video:

train_pipeline = [
    dict(type='SampleFrames', clip_len=1, frame_interval=1, num_clips=8),

Typically, the data augmentations in the data pipeline handles only video-level transforms, such as resizing or cropping, but not transforms like video normalization or mixup/cutmix. This is because we can do video normalization and mixup/cutmix on batched video data to accelerate processing using GPUs. To configure video normalization and mixup/cutmix, please use the mmaction.models.utils.data_preprocessor.


Formatting involves collecting training data from the data information dict and converting it into a format that is compatible with the model.

In most cases, you can simply employ PackActionInputs, and it will convert the image in NumPy Array format to PyTorch Tensor, and pack the ground truth category information and other meta information as a dict-like object ActionDataSample.

train_pipeline = [

Add New Data Transforms

  1. To create a new data transform, write a new transform class in a python file named, for example, The data transform classes must inherit the mmcv.transforms.BaseTransform class and override the transform method which takes a dict as input and returns a dict. Finally, place in the folder mmaction/datasets/transforms/.

    from mmcv.transforms import BaseTransform
    from mmaction.datasets import TRANSFORMS
    class MyTransform(BaseTransform):
         def __init__(self, msg):
             self.msg = msg
        def transform(self, results):
            # Modify the data information dict `results`.
            print(msg, 'MMAction2.')
            return results
  2. Import the new class in the mmaction/datasets/transforms/

    from .my_transform import MyTransform
    __all__ = [
        ..., 'MyTransform'
  3. Use it in config files.

    train_pipeline = [
        dict(type='MyTransform', msg='Hello!'),
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